as anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes with me can tell you, i HATE rain and snow. actually, to be accurate, i hate pretty much all kinds of inclement weather, including, but not limited to: rain, snow, mist, wind, excess heat, and especially -- oh, my god, ESPECIALLY -- humidity.
i suspect this has to do with the delicate internal heating and cooling mechanisms present within my body, which cause me to profusely sweat the second the temperature raises 1/5 of a degree, for which i blame my father and his poor genetics.
anyway, back to rain and snow. there is no occasion in my mind where rain or snow is pleasant, unless i have the ability to stay in my apartment until it's completely gone, wrapped up in a blanket, reading magazines, and drinking hot chocolate. but as we all know, it's always on a crappy weather day when you have to trek to work or to dinner in a neighborhood that requires taking three different trains with a friend you haven't seen in two years who you've already cancelled plans with four times, so in reality: i don't care how pretty the snow is when it first falls, i'm too old for snowball fights.
thanks to the mixed blessing that is global warming, this winter has been pretty mild and full of my favorite weather: cold but not too cold, no excessive precipitation, slightly windy on occasion. the kind of weather where the only things you need to keep warm are jeans, knee socks (my fave!), a coat, and maybe a really cute knit hat.
unfortunately, the looming inevitable happened yesterday in new york city: rain and snow, AT THE SAME TIME. not only did this trigger my anxiety because it created the perfect conditions for my worst fear to come to pass (that being busting ass on an ice-y sidewalk and/or subway steps), but it also brought out in full force one of my other fears: bad rain boots.
without further ado, a taste of the horrors i witnessed yesterday:
behold, the kitten heel rain boot, which i assumed was an urban myth, having only seen them in colorful neglected heaps in filene's basement. but no, i saw a pair ON A PERSON yesterday, along with other various incarnations of heeled and wedged rain boots, which all, as far as i could tell, caused their owners to shuffle uncomfortably down the sidewalks with a familiar look on their faces: please don't let me fall, please don't let me fall.
i am all for making concessions for fashion, but in my opinion, if there is ANY shoe you should buy for function, it is a rain boot. take this pair for example:

the hunter rain boot: my perfect inclement weather boot. they come all the way up to the knee, come in lots of fun colors (check them out at
zappos), and you can tell they have a WICKED tread, to prevent unfortunate incidents like what happened to
my roommate two days ago.
plus, you can buy matching (or contrasting, whichever your aesthetic preference) wellie socks!

how cool is that? not that i would buy them because they're $40 and i rock my own knee socks from sock dreams, but i support the concept nevertheless.
p.s. that color combination could totally be rocked at work because it matches our logo:

Sock Dreams looks like it doubles as a fetish site.
Well, do whatever you want - it's your birthday!
please see re: rain boots
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