Thursday, December 11, 2008

so i think a squirrel might be stuck in our living room air conditioner. because i often hear squirrel noises outside our window, but this guy sounds like he's in serious pain, and i don't know what else to do besides bang on it a few times, hoping to let him free. even lily looks freaked out.

i just opened my fire escape window to see if i could see anything, and it took me 5 minutes because the stoppers we had installed after our apartment was robbed were stuck, so i guess you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. note to self: take those suckers out every once in awhile to make sure we're not screwed in the event of a fire.

these scratching sounds are seriously freaking me out, so in the spirit of christmas and conspicuous consumption, here's a happy list:

things i want (because they are cool and/or useful)
  • this ozetta wool cowl-neck scarf

  • michael kors perfume, because i ran out
  • a really big soup pot

  • a vacuum cleaner that works
  • a grill pan

happy holidays! (buy me a soup pot.)

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

i'm making you a vacuum cleaner. not sure you got the memo, but wall street cancelled christmas this year.